Down 10 Pounds 1000 to Go!


Well, I might be exagerating here.

But it seems that once the doc told me
the bad news about my cholesterol and
triglycerides, I got a little more serious
about this.

So 3 weeks after getting the news, I started
watching more what I was eating and how much
or it I was eating. And in the past 3 weeks
I lost that much needed first 10 pounds.

I feel at this point I might grow feathers,
or possibly gills. Chicken and fish, chicken
and fish, ooooh, turkey, chicken and fish.

Here's a tip:

If there is something (in the way of diet food)
that you like to eat, eat it often.

Part of changing the way one eats is the never
ending quest for more healthful recipes. I
personally can't try to come up with something
new all the time. That would just sabotage my
efforts. But I have a few fish and chicken
recipes that are staples now and I eat them

Another Example:

I eat oatmeal and Cheerios for their cholesterol
lowering effects. I like both of them. So,
instead of trying to come up with a new
breakfast plan, I just alternate between
these two.

I add a banana to my Cheerios, so that I
get in one serving of fruit right of the bat.

I add frozen cherries, or blueberries (or
any frozen fruit that you may like) to my
oatmeal. I also add a little bit of crushed
walnuts. And a little cinnamon...This gives
me something to actually
chew on and makes that bowl of oatmeal a lot
more satisfying.


1. Measure our the fruit first. Don't just eyeball
it thinking you know what one serving is.

2. Put the fruit in a microwave safe bowl and
nuke it on a low setting while the oatmeal is
cooking. This way the fruit is nice and warm
and doesn't cool off the oatmeal too quickly.

Be back tomorrow with a few more tips.


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