Emotional Eating and the Upcoming Holidaze


When I think back on the happy days of
my younger years, I remember many specific
times when food was the center attraction.

I believe it's a world wide custom that
people celebrate the happy times with food.
We also memorialize the sadder times in
our lives with food. Surely we have all
whipped up a casserole, or baked a
cake to take to a grieving family.

I remember so many great Thanksgivings
when I was growing up. That golden
brown turkey, The Cherb dressing.
FYI: Cherb is the family name

Cranberries, mashed potatoes, giblet
gravy, warm rolls and of course,
pumpkin pie.

Christmas was pretty much the same
thing. Maybe a ham instead this time,
but mountains of food everywhere. And
we all ate like there was no tomorrow.
Gifts had long been opened and we were
there for the food and we were
going to get our fill!

Same thing for Labor Day, 4th of July,
Veteran's Day and Memorial Day. The
only difference is the bulk of the
cooking was done outside on a grill.

Brings back very happy memories for
many people. And I think for me,
with life's strange twists the past
few years, I have used food to make
me feel better. To transport me
to that better time in my life.

Food seems to fill a void, a hole that
has been left in my life. I won't go
into the details of all that, but we
have, most of us, had tragic events in
our lives that have left us feeling
empty inside. Like there is a hole
that needs to be filled.

I realized that I have been trying
to fill that hole with food.

Does anyone else out there find that
they have this same relationship
with food?


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