of Biggest Loser. I have to watch "my shows" on a DVR
(digital video recorder) or I would never see anything
but those late night infomercials.
I don't know if any of you watched tonight, but I wanted
the biatch, Vicky, OFF THE SHOW! That woman is totally
insane and needs some anger management classes. Oh well.
So a big thing for me is changing my lifestyle and being
comfortable with the changes. It's hard to compare a
chicken fried steak with a handful of almonds. I get
hungry in the evenings and I want to eat. And I would
go to the trouble of making something if it was something
I really wanted or liked. I liked/wanted ALL the wrong
things each and every time.
So tonight I'm sitting there watching Biggest Loser and
instead of eating oreos and ice cream sandwiches, I'm
nibbling on some black olives, a couple of almonds and
a little celery with some hummus. And I was totally
satisfied with it. That's when I realized I might have
crossed that point where I am starting to accept
the new lifestyle. At least I hope so, because that will
make this whole thing so much easier.
If you're not watching Biggest Loser, I suggest you
record it and watch it when you can. It's great!