What's Food Got To Do With It?


Actually, food, diet, healthy living and exercise
have nothing to do with this particular post.

If you noticed the Entrecard ads on this site
and wondered what the heck does this have to
do with a weight loss site, well don't feel
alone, I thought the same thing.

Now that it's possible to buy ads on Entrecard,
I'm getting tons of ads that I have to reject.
Not so much because it isn't relevant to this
blog, but I have no desire to have X or even
R rated blogs advertising here.

As I begin to learn more about this new Paid
system, I will be able to go in and change
what I will allow on my blog.

Entrecard has always been a cool way to get
visitors interested in what I'm writing about,
but now, it's just a frenzy to see who can
get ads placed anywhere with no regard to
whether it's appropriate or not.

So with that off my chest, it's 6:47 A.M.
and I need to get to the gym.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog with a comment. I'm trying to figure out this new EntreCard stuff too. Good luck!

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