Irresponsible Article by Time Magazine Outrages Fitness Industry


Recently Time Magazine published an
article by writer John Cloud that
has the Fitness Industry up in arms.

And for good reason I might ad.

Basically the article stated that
exercise makes him hungry, can make
YOU hungry, therefore exercising will
keep you from losing weight, perhaps
even gain a few pounds.

This was in TIME Magazine!?!

This is an insane and irresponsible
article in the face of an ongoing
Obesity Crisis here in the United
States as well as many other parts of
the world.

You can read that article HERE

Exercise is the best way to burn
calories! And if you do get hungry,
idea to eat something after a good
workout. Have a piece of fruit, or
a protein shake or perhaps some lean
protein like fish or chicken.

John Cloud, you can't stuff your face
with cookies and donuts after a workout
and expect to lose weight! Just because
you choose to exercise UNhealthy habits
after a workout doesn't mean that
the rest of the world is full of morons
like you! Think about what you're doing
and then give a little thought to what
you're going to write.

Word is that Time Magazine has been
bombarded with rebuttals from the
Fitness Industry since the article
appeared. I'm hoping to see him
recant the whole thing.

BTW: At this writing I am down 54 pounds!


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