Lady Doctor Blows the Lid Off of the World's Most TOP SECRET Fat Loss Secret!
It's pretty common to read that one needs
to burn 3500 calories to lose one pound.
Or say you wanted to lose 1 pound per week,
you would need to cut out 3500 calories per
week = to 500 calories per day.
Simple math right?
How many calories a day are you eating
right now? My guess is that if you are
just beginning a lifestyle change, aka
a diet, you probably have no idea. And
if you have no idea, then the equation
above is absolutely meaningless.
So, it's time to start a Food Diary.
Yeah, I know, it sorta sounds like a pain
the one of the largest parts of the body
doesn't it? And it can be unless you
embrace an attitude of this being a great
weapon in the weight loss war.
I know there are probably tons of calorie
counters out there, and probably quite a few
places you can input your daily food intake
and find all the results you need to know.
I know of one in particular...
I've mentioned this site before and for
good reason. NO, I don't make a dime from
promoting it. It's just an amazing web site
if you really want to get serious about
losing weight and becoming the healthy
person you deserve to be.
I urge you to take a look at Spark People.
It's totally free! It has TONS of great
nutritional information and exercises
for all levels. I don't know that if I
sat here and wrote about it all day, I
could possibly do it justice. So take
a look at it won't you?
Spark People has the most
wonderful set up to keep an exact food
diary complete with calorie count, fat,
carb, vitamin, mineral and fiber information
on everything you eat. Now you will know
what it is and how much of it you are
consuming. And from there you can cut
the calories you need to lose the weight.
You can't know where you're going...
unless you know where you've been.
And if they do ask for a reference, my
name on there is CowgirlBlues. No, no
money for the reference, just fun points.