How did it get to be this far into February?
Doesn't matter, though, it's not too late to
to follow through on those New Year's Resolutions.
It's been a hard road for me due to some physical
problems such as Degenerative Disc Disease. The
pain makes it hard to even imagine doing exercise.
A recent hip injury has also slowed things down.
I'm now into my 2nd week of physical therapy
and hopefully healing and heading toward more
weight loss and a healthier lifestyle.
I welcome you to join me on this journey as I
study and learn the healthiest methods for losing
weight and keeping it off.
Your comments are welcome and we can help
each other with some support in this sometimes
overwhelming task.
I've been taking a great supplement that seems
to be aleviating YEARS of back pain, so stay tuned
for more information on that.
Please be sure and visit our Weight Loss Center
for information and products to help you.
Click Here To Visit The Weight Loss Center
See you again soon!
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